T’was the night before Christmas when all ‘round the school
Lots of creatures were stirring, plus fish in the pool!
Bird houses were hung by the fences and trails,
In hopes that St. Nicolas would soon read his mail;
Seems the Canes were excited ‘bout a new nature center;
One that’s outside with a sign that says “enter!”
And teachers, with interest to use the new site,
Had plans for their students to help it take flight.
When on James Island, a wild place would be
To honor the Lord and educate me.
C.R.E.A.T.E.* it would be to praise the Creator!
Good stewards of all, including the gators!
Wild flowers in bloom and food for the deer,
First steps to declare a resource premiere!
When what in my wildest dreams could be possible,
But an environmental program that was truly colossal
Attracting new students, our sisters and brothers
I knew this could grow if supported by others
Embraced by our leaders, the teachers proclaimed
We see application in all courses named:
“Now Science, now Math,
Now English and Physics,
On Hist’ry, on Music,
On Bible and Civics!
To the midst of the woods, to the edge of the lake,
Now venture out! Venture out and live life awake!”
As we step out to manage, develop the site,
With help in many ways, our future is bright!
In this season of giving, we prayed and we sought
To find kindred spirits, to help out a lot.
Through hands-on assistance and products donate,
There are many ways to serve, help, and also create!
With partners so generous, from the spirit of giving,
St. Nickolas smiles with our Savior of Living.
Hands on learning out under the sun,
Is our method of growing that’s unique and so fun!
An outdoor theater, a high blind and tower,
A pond dock, a trail and plot of wild flowers.
Bird boxes and feeders, orchards and fields
Are a few of the habitats that this center yields.
Beehives and vineyards, and platforms for osprey,
Old home sites and live oaks are all on display.
First Baptist is blessed by students and teachers,
And now we have 62 acres full of natural features.
Our mission is Christ, to be His good stewards,
He reveals, educates, and affirms us all forward.
We encourage you to visit and walk the school grounds
To enjoy God’s creation where His glory abounds!
So should you love the idea and embrace all our reasons.
We encourage your support in this celebrative season.
Thank you & Merry Christmas!
To make a donation to CREATE, or receive more information, please email Sheree Bridges at bridgessh@fbschool.org.
“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:7-10