Sophomore Service Project : : Serving Charleston, SC
Each year the sophomore class of First Baptist School participates in the Sophomore Service Project. This project is led by the English department.
During this project, students study the Parable of the Talents, the Parable of the Sower, and The Great Gatsby. Then, students examine the juxtaposition of service to God in the parables and the depravity of selfish living in The Great Gatsby.
To begin the project, every sophomore is given $100 and is tasked with multiplying the money. Each student then chooses a charity to serve with both their time and their funds raised.
Ultimately, this project is twofold: students must support their charities through service and also through financial assistance. Students’ financial donations are grown through the $100 seed money they receive, and, ultimately, this project is designed to enable students to understand service, honor God, and create a positive effect on the surrounding community.